Podcasts, Videos, & Interviews

Welcome to our podcasts! Gain perspectives, practices, teachings, facilitations, and more to support your spiritual journey. Keep checking back, there are more to come!

Listen to our conversations with Lauren Galey on the Quantum Conversations podcast!

Your 5D Future: What to Expect & How to Prepare

Coming soon on these platforms!

  • Have you ever wondered what living in 5D Consciousness is really like and how to get there? What about your Soul’s plans to achieve this profound awakening?

    There’s much to learn from spiritually advanced ET civilizations, including their prevalent attitudes, enlightened relationships, and societies based in true Harmony in Community.

    Join us and be inspired! Learn from ET Walk-In, Spiritual Teacher & Facilitator SomRa An’Ryka and 12D female ET Ascended Master Azh’ra Kai channeled by ET Walk-In Jaraan Onai!

    We discuss:
    * Probable and intended futures for Earth
    * New Skills and abilities arising, such as telepathy, empathy, and creative expression
    * What your Soul knows that you need to know to fully embody Source Presence.

    Take the steps necessary to advance human evolution for yourself and others.
    Use Oneness approaches to more rapidly resolve impediments and advance your awakening.
    Activate your own Soul memory of advanced ET past lives.
    Hasten the manifestation of 5D Oneness Consciousness.

    BONUS: Initially, Lauren asked SomRa about her and Jaraan’s unique, evolved Twin Soul relationship. Plus you’ll learn other 5D insights throughout the interview!

Align, Arise, & Awaken! How to Get Extraordinary Results from Ordinary Moments

  • Practices like meditation and journaling are important. But in today’s hurry-scurry world, it can be nearly impossible to find the time.

    Tired of feeling guilty or left out when you can’t devote all the time and attention you want to your spiritual practices?

    Does it feel like you have to sacrifice your spiritual development for other important tasks?

    What if you could take multi-tasking to a whole new enlightened level?

    You can actually use your routine activities in ways that profoundly enhance your awakening journey. Hard to imagine? Surprisingly, using this 5D Mastery approach, it could be easier than you think.

    You CAN powerfully raise your consciousness while doing very little extra. Besides being an attribute of Mastery Consciousness, in today’s world efficiency and effectiveness are absolute necessities!

    You absolutely have the time to transform stress and overwhelm and improve both your well-being and circumstances by learning how to make everyday tasks truly evolutionary experiences. Be the Peace you’re wanting to feel.

    Learn from ET Walk-In, Spiritual Teacher & Facilitator SomRa An’Ryka and 11D ET Ascended Master Toubayauchi Chansiti (AKA Master Chan) channeled by ET Walk-In Jaraan Onai!


    - Use innate strengths, traits, and abilities in unsuspected ways to tap hidden potential to almost effortlessly brighten your path and advance your awakening.

    - Turn certain inconvenient “liabilities” into empowering assets.

    - Enhance your spiritual development even while you sleep.

Uplevel Your Awakening with Multidimensional Space Clearing & Optimization

  • Did you know that the vibration of your personal space can significantly support or hinder your well-being and spiritual awakening?

    And what’s more, did you know that a person – no matter how empathic, intuitive, and spiritually in-tune – can be completely unaware of certain adverse energies, or even entities, in their space…and actually feel what seems to them as “comfortable.”

    Find out why that is and what you can do about it in this insightful Quantum Conversation!

    Common results of using the suggestions offered:

    * Having a lighter, more supportive atmosphere

    * Expanded intuition

    * Better sleep

    * Easier to relax

    * Greater creativity

    * Increased prosperity

    * Increased physical & emotional well-being

    * Feeling like your home is a sanctuary

    * Accelerated yet peaceful spiritual awakening

    Become empowered and inspired! Find out about these simple yet powerful 5D approaches from ET Walk-Ins and a 9D ET Ascended Master!


    - How the vibration of your personal space affects you and you affect it

    - Little known ways to help clear your space of non-supportive energies

    - How to advance your spiritual evolution by optimizing your space

    - How to create a living environment that’s truly nurturing and supportive of your well-being regardless of exterior influences

Strengthen Your Inner Stability the 5D Way

  • During this transitioning time between the old world dismantling and the New Earth emerging, even the most spiritually dedicated person can sometimes feel worry and instability. It can be difficult to manage. Optimal choices and solutions aren’t so clear cut. Many factors on many planes are shifting simultaneously. A lot of things that were once seen as true and important – whether to an individual or a collective – are being discovered as untrue and/or are no longer relevant. This is a natural part of evolution.

    Fortunately, there are many practices, perspectives, techniques, and tools to help us stay in sync and flow with the changes as gracefully as possible.

    Learn about Reality from the ancient ET Ascended Masters! Join us as SomRa shares mastery perspectives in her frank, fun, authentic style. She will also be sharing a powerful facilitation to help you anchor into your Inner Stability the 5D way!


    - Develop 5D consciousness & stability now

    -Maintain inner stability & peace regardless of outer conditions

    - Confidently and compassionately resolve emotions when they come up

    - Use Sound, EFT, and other techniques to assist you

    From an ET Ascended Master perspective, True Awakening is a 100% relaxed state of Knowing, Loving, and Embracing all of yourself. It is not solely intellectual or knowledge-based. It is vibrantly experienced full-body and lived each moment in all aspects of one’s life. It is marked by an Inner State of completely Knowing that All is Well, regardless of appearances in the moment.

    Many Souls have come to Earth for its extraordinary potential to catalyze their Evolution. Few worlds offer such expansion potential as chaotic 21st Century Earth – a planet who is herself in the process of transitioning from 3D-Polarity to 4D-Polarity, and ultimately to 5D-Oneness Consciousness. A natural, yet often challenging aspect of this process is discovering, reconciling, and dissolving one’s own unconscious “blind spots.” Our individual blind spots prevent us from Knowing, Feeling, and Living our Real Self who is already always in Oneness Reality. Your Real (Soul) Self, is temporarily expressing through a polaric human identity in order to achieve specific levels of understanding, awareness, wisdom, and feelings.

    1:31:03 - Mini Channeled Sound Facilitation

    (SomRa’s coaching/facilitation sessions are now called Transformation Sessions in which uses a combination of techniques based on what works best for the client. CLICK HERE for details. She also offers group facilitations and classes periodically. To be notified of these events, enter your email address at the bottom of this page. Also, SomRa’s digital Channeled Sound Activation Meditations are still available through this website. CLICK HERE for more information.)

Experiences of a 5-time ET Walk-In & Understanding Your Own Soul-Human Relationship - Part 1
QCTV Interview with SomRa An'Ryka

  • Listen to SomRa's fascinating story about her Walk-In experience. Learn more about your own Soul, Soul Aspects, the higher dimensions, ET Ascended Masters, channeled sound, and more!

    0:00 - Intro and Meet SomRa
    6:50 - Did you Walk-In experience happen overnight?
    13:14 - What about the original personality?
    14:53 - What happens to the second Soul?
    17:52 - What is channeling?
    20:33 - Walk-Ins
    24:36 - Soul Aspects
    26:35 - Interdimensional Communication
    30:04 - ET Walk-In
    34:36 - Earth Ascended Masters
    41:28 - Higher-Dimensional toning
    48:56 - Trauma
    51:13 - Conscious interaction
    52:15 - Emotional Freedom Techniques
    53:28 - The 12-Step Program
    54:56 - Matrix Reimprinting
    56:41 - Soul Reconnecting
    57:33 - Healing in the Womb
    58:20 - Soul Integration

    * Have you ever gone through a life change so dramatic that it felt like you became an entirely different person . . . or Soul?

    * Have you ever suddenly experienced a change in interests, career, relationships, clothing styles, dietary choices, location, spiritual path, and/or life direction?

    * Does it seem like certain periods of your life were lived by someone else?

    * Do you feel no resonance with your family of origin?

    * Do you sometimes feel disoriented about who you actually are and why you’re here?

    If you answered Yes to any of these, you may be a Walk-In! That is, someone whose original Soul has completed Its purpose in the incarnation and rather than the body dying a new Soul agrees to “walk in” to the body and human consciousness to accomplish the new Soul’s particular goals without going through the early stages of life.

    Join us as SomRa An’Ryka shares her Walk-In experiences from both the human’s and Soul’s points of view. Along the way she shares her perspective of the Soul Self and how and why It interfaces with the human consciousness in order to operate in a polaric reality (3D & 4D). Plus you’ll hear insights about the gestation and birthing process that cause most people – whether Walk-In or Birthed-In – to not be sufficiently integrated with their Soul. You’ll hear about what you can do to literally change the foundation of your life to one of Joy, Understanding, and Wholeness . . . living more fully as your Peaceful, Powerful Soul Self.

    (SomRa’s coaching/facilitation sessions are now called Transformation Sessions in which uses a combination of techniques based on what works best for the client. CLICK HERE for details. She also offers group facilitations and classes periodically. To be notified of these events, enter your email address at the bottom of this page. Also, SomRa’s digital Channeled Sound Activation Meditations are still available through this website. CLICK HERE for more information.)

Experiences of a 5-time ET Walk-In & Understanding Your Own Soul-Human Relationship - Part 2

  • In Part 2, SomRa An’Ryka shares more about her other Walk-In experiences from both the human’s and Soul’s points of view.

    :38 - How natal astrology charts are different for Walk-Ins.
    12:24 - Levitation & Parapsychology
    16:25 - Telekinesis
    19:21 - The Unconscious, Trauma, & Gaining the Wisdom as a Part of Spiritual Awakening
    21:45 - Your Identity Development & Awakening to All of You
    23:46 - Handling Self-Judgment; Love, & Ascension
    25:09 - The Global as Reflections of the Inner, & Co-Creating New Earth
    26:47 - Permanent Transformation; Fear of Flying Example
    29:57 - Stair-step Ascension
    30:49 - Healers: Empathy/Compassion vs. Sympathy/Feeling Sorry For
    34:11 - New Walk-In Realization & Mayan/Galactic Astrology
    38:58 - Transforming a Human Consciousness
    44:37 - Your "Stuff" is Not Personal
    45:19 - Misconceptions about "Being Spiritual" and the Physiological Purpose of Anger
    47:16 - The 4 Types of Starseeds
    52:13 - It's not about "fixing" problems; Resistance to Self-Acceptance
    53:12 - Honesty & Authenticity about how to Feel in order to Heal
    55:58 - 1st Type of Starseeds; Dealing with People/Family Who are not here to Awaken & Ascend
    1:03:57 - 2nd Type of Starseeds; Polarity attitudes vs. Oneness
    1:06:39 - 3rd Type of Starseeds
    1:09:09 - How to Know if you are Actually Physically Mostly Extraterrestrial
    1:10:03 - Negative Aliens are Rare
    1:12:02 - Star Trek is Channeled
    1:12:40 - Extraterrestrials Among Us
    1:13:25 - The Giants on Earth
    1:15:18 - How Your Body's Design can Reflect Your ET DNA &/or ET Soul Origins
    1:16:09 - 4th Type of Starseed
    1:17:44 - Origins of the 4 Blood Types & Different Human Races
    1:26:37 - The Walk-In of SomRa & Little Known Practical Facts about Twin Flame Relationships
    1:32:15 SomRa guides us through a group Matrix Reimprinting for manifesting New Earth!
    2:05:05 - Closing Messages

    (SomRa’s coaching/facilitation sessions are now called Transformation Sessions in which uses a combination of techniques based on what works best for the client. CLICK HERE for details. She also offers group facilitations and classes periodically. To be notified of these events, enter your email address at the bottom of this page. Also, SomRa’s digital Channeled Sound Activation Meditations are still available through this website. CLICK HERE for more information.)

Experiences of a 5-time ET Walk-In & Understanding Your Own Soul-Human Relationship - Part 3

  • Part 3 was recorded live! SomRa concludes her Walk-In story with more in-depth insights about Reality. She also answers questions from listeners.

    0:00 - Intro
    0:38 - Welcome SomRa
    1:32 - Getting Your Soul Name
    6:00 - Current Soul Name
    6:27 - New Granddaughter
    9:36 - A Soul's Reasons for Miscarriages
    17:08 - Childhood Experiences
    17:79 - Breaking Out of Belief Systems
    23:39 - A Brief Experience
    25:25 - A New Path
    26:19 - Q&A
    33:08 - Soul Levels & Densification
    37:14 - Abortions from Soul's Point of View
    40:08 - Blood Type Change
    42:37 - DNA Test
    44:34 - Special Offer
    47:28 - Matrix Reimprinting
    52:40 - Soul Merge
    53:56 - Understanding the Unconscious Self
    57:58 - SomRa's Higher Team & Your Higher Team
    1:02:23 - Q&A: How to Know if You're a Walk-In
    1:05:23 - Understand Your Identity
    1:05:48 - Soul Divisions Towards Polarity
    1:06:37 - Earth is Different from Most Planets
    1:07:50 - What defines Old, Intermediate, Young, Baby Souls
    1:12:19 - What "Karma" Actually Is
    1:13:56 - Continuing What defines Old, Intermediate, Young, Baby Souls
    1:16:49 - More Q&A: Why Don't Higher Beings Step in & Fix Earth?
    1:26:05 - Your Soul Aspect is likely on a Ship or Space Station
    1:31:51 - All Your Lifetimes are One Continuous Life
    1:32:28 - Processing Your Emotional Triggers
    1:38:36 - Helpful Resources for Starseeds & Lightworkers

    (SomRa’s coaching/facilitation sessions are now called Transformation Sessions in which uses a combination of techniques based on what works best for the client. CLICK HERE for details. She also offers group facilitations and classes periodically. To be notified of these events, enter your email address at the bottom of this page. Also, SomRa’s digital Channeled Sound Activation Meditations are still available through this website. CLICK HERE for more information.)

Turn on the Lights! Illuminate & Release Your Pesky, Elusive Blindspots & Reclaim Your Divine Reality

  • Join us for this reality-shifting live interview, facilitation, and Q&A with ET Walk-In and Spiritual Awakening Facilitator SomRa An’Ryka. Using the power of Channeled Sound and Energetics, she and her Extraterrestrial Ascended Master Team will be sharing their Oneness Consciousness gifts and insights to ease, clarify, lighten, and accelerate your Evolution, Awakening, and Ascension.

    From an ET Ascended Master perspective, True Awakening is a 100% relaxed state of Knowing, Loving, and Embracing all of yourself. It is not solely intellectual or knowledge-based. It is vibrantly experienced full-body and lived each moment in all aspects of one’s life. It is marked by an Inner State of completely Knowing that All is Well, regardless of appearances in the moment.

    Many Souls have come to Earth for its extraordinary potential to catalyze their Evolution. Few worlds offer such expansion potential as chaotic 21st Century Earth – a planet who is herself in the process of transitioning from 3D-Polarity to 4D-Polarity, and ultimately to 5D-Oneness Consciousness. A natural, yet often challenging aspect of this process is discovering, reconciling, and dissolving one’s own unconscious “blind spots.” Our individual blind spots prevent us from Knowing, Feeling, and Living our Real Self who is already always in Oneness Reality. Your Real (Soul) Self, is temporarily expressing through a polaric human identity in order to achieve specific levels of understanding, awareness, wisdom, and feelings.

    1:31:03 - Mini Channeled Sound Facilitation

    (SomRa’s coaching/facilitation sessions are now called Transformation Sessions in which uses a combination of techniques based on what works best for the client. CLICK HERE for details. She also offers group facilitations and classes periodically. To be notified of these events, enter your email address at the bottom of this page. Also, SomRa’s digital Channeled Sound Activation Meditations are still available through this website. CLICK HERE for more information.)