Awesome Audios to support your spiritual path!

Hear unique insights  *  Clarify confusion  *  Expand your consciousness  
Gain effective tools  *  Feel the support  *  Receive facilitation   
Advance your path  *  Live confidently!

What are you looking for?

 Healing, facilitation, activation, meditation, Source connection, consciousness expansion,
awakening advancement, spiritual mastery and ascension?

We’ve got you covered!


Jaraan Onai

ET Walk-In, Author,
Energywork Practitioner,
Channel for the Ancient ET Ascended Masters & Angels

Experience the Living Wisdom, Teachings, Compassion, & Facilitations of the ancient ET Ascended Masters & Angels channeled by Jaraan Onai.


SomRa An’Ryka

ET Walk-In, Sound Channel,
Spiritual Awakening Teacher & Facilitator,
Visual Artist

Experience the Power, Presence, and Peace of your True Being facilitated by Transformational Sound channeled by SomRa An’Ryka,
featuring The Angels & The Trigalion Sound Masters.

“I feel inspired to express that which words can never adequately express — my immense Gratitude for the opportunity to hear, study, and apply the teachings of these ET Ascended Masters, and therefore my Gratitude to both of you: teachers and sharers of a very special form of Light and Love.” ~ L.J.

“Without your willingness to devote your lives to bringing this message; to facilitate its presentation; to share it in forms people can use; to demonstrate the teachings admirably through the example of your lives; without all that and more . . . I, for one, would be living in a much darker-seeming world. I would feel less free to be myself; I would be less able to access my Soul’s gifts. I might not truly see and feel the Love/Light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing else I’ve experienced living this life for over half a century has brought me such certain vision, such real and magnificent CHOICE, such direct access to alignment with Source as these teachings.” ~ J.T.