Spiritual Mentoring Sessions

with Jaraan Onai

Cosmic Leaps Start With Conscious Steps!

Feeling stuck in your spiritual growth process?

Confused about your options?

Seeking ways to streamline your path and elevate your Consciousness?

Need an attentive listener to help you think out loud?

Tired of out-of-touch platitudes and/or condescending advice when you really want
unbiased perspectives and sincere encouragement?

In short, Spiritual Mentoring is a supportive and uplifting catalyst for growth. It’s an opportunity to embody and express unrealized potential. Settle into a safe, accepting, proactive space to explore concepts and experiences, resolve blocks, and clarify your inner truth. Eliminate guesswork, identify strengths, and embrace your path and purpose with greater confidence.

Feeling stuck, puzzled, or conflicted? Spiritual Mentoring is a wonderful opportunity to get feedback and validation, explore new and liberating options, and adjust course as you deem appropriate for your path.

You don’t need fixing or saving. The power and wisdom is already within you! However, partnering for progress with a peer-level Spiritual Mentor means providing yourself an especially supportive environment to draw out that wisdom and express it effectively.

One purpose of Spiritual Mentoring is so life flows
more smoothly and intentions become easier to achieve.

With Jaraan, you’ll get:

  • A confidential, experienced sounding board to listen and hold space for you.

  • A cheerleader to validate your insights and encourage your progress.

  • A caring advocate for your highest and best who gently calls out limiting assumptions while offering expansive new perspectives based on intuition, empathy, and personal experience.

The benefits of spiritual mentoring include, but are certainly not limited to:

🍀 Gaining comfort, clarity, and confidence in your self, life, and path of awakening.

🍀 Greater and expanding self-awareness.

🍀 Identifying and validating valuable strengths, talents, and abilities.

🍀 Improving relationships – with self, Source, and others.

🍀 Cultivating greater Authenticity.

🍀 Spiritual growth and emotional intelligence skills development.

🍀 A greater sense of camaraderie and connection – realizing you are not alone.

🍀 Insights for manifesting your Soul’s Purpose.

. . . and so much more.

Spiritual Mentoring helps you navigate new territory and confidently explore yourself and your potential with someone who’s been through the briar patch and found the roses. It’s a treasure hunt for what’s cool about you so you can thrive! As a trauma-informed Reiki Master and Certified Peer Support Specialist, Jaraan has both training and lived experience to educate and inspire you to new heights as you learn and grow at your own pace.

I know first-hand that one of the most empowering and liberating gifts you can give yourself is the opportunity to be heard, affirmed, and encouraged in ways that open new doors of awareness, understanding, and empowerment. I love creating an epiphany-generating space with those having the courage and determination to explore and progress.” ~ Jaraan

How It Works

Spiritual Mentoring is purpose-oriented and you-focused. We team up to address your priorities at your pace in each session. Appointments may be scheduled for 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Sessions begin with a brief mindful breath exercise to set the stage for deeper progress, followed by a discussion of your challenges and priorities. They may also include Q&A, visualizations, journaling practices, suggested reading, and energy work as appropriate to your needs, interests, and comfort level.

My role is to be an affirming advocate for your well-being and spiritual growth: to be present, listen, ask questions, and offer new/different perspectives as appropriate. Your role is to be open to new ideas, and to take responsibility for what you share, what you hear, and the steps you take to progress. Regular, weekly sessions are highly encouraged, at least first, to help you build momentum and get any needed course correction as you move toward your objectives.

Check out Jaraan’s video series
No-Flash Brilliance:
Insights from the Bright Side

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It depends upon your priorities and needs. Sessions start with a mindful breath exercise to set that stage for progress. Feel free to burn incense and/or play relaxing music quietly in the background. It’s perfectly OK to have other comfort tools handy, if desired, to create the most supportive space for you. Spiritual Mentoring with Jaraan is an opportunity to get positive attention, relevant feedback, validation, and support for your progress. It’s also an opportunity to explore the sometimes conflicting and confusing array of spiritual concepts in more depth and detail, practice exercising clarification and discernment skills, and getting in touch with your deeper truth, wisdom, and purpose. In spiritual mentoring, Jaraan is basically a teammate joining you on a treasure hunt, unearthing those undiscovered jewels of your own inner being.

  • All Spiritual Mentoring with Jaraan is provided over Zoom Video Conferencing platform. Since good communication is vital, mentoring is facilitated with both video and audio on. You will be sent a meeting ID and link prior to your appointment. In rare cases, like if internet issues arise, mentoring can be provided by phone.

  • Really, anything you consider relevant your life and path. All issues and uncertainty are opportunities to expand awareness, gain insight, and evolve. “Sore spots” are invitations for growth. So technically, all topics supportive of your progress are welcomed. It’s not about being overly positive or avoiding the negative. All emotions are valid. It’s about being as open, honest, and authentic as you can in the moment. And, it’s also a matter of your priorities and comfort level. Jaraan has education and lived experience in trauma recovery, addictions recovery, and spiritual development. To prompt you, if needed, he may ask questions like, “What’s on your heart today?” Or “What topic resonates most for you today?” Many lightworkers are also trauma survivors. Discussing trauma, especially the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs arising from traumatic experiences in order to find solutions, is absolutely welcomed. However, “trauma-dumping” is not. If uncertain what is or is not trauma-dumping after reading the article link, please ask.

  • Advice in this context is “telling others what they should do.” So, no, no advice is given, though he may offer perspectives, share things he has done in similar situations (if appropriate), and suggest ways to find your own answers. This work is to help you discover and explore options so you can determine what is right and best for you. It’s important to understand that this is not therapy, nor is it a psychic or intuitive reading. It’s an opportunity to do enthusiastically supported and mindfully approached soul-searching – to assist you in finding your own strengths and solutions. Jaraan essentially follows the adage, “Give someone a fish, feed them for a day. Teach them to fish, feed them for a lifetime.” Education obviously has the greatest long-term benefit, allows one to develop self-reliance, and prevents false dependency. They say, “knowledge is power.” But Understanding is Mastery. And mastery only develops in any real, grounded, and meaningful way through direct personal practice.

  • Jaraan considers this work a sacred trust with those he serves. Sessions are confidential. Therefore, matters discussed are not recorded unless requested, nor does he take notes. In case sessions are recorded by request, the files are deleted within a week. You’ll be given a link to the downloadable file after the completion of your session, with a request to let him know as soon as you have downloaded it so it can be deleted from the system. Please download asap. Jaraan follows strict ethical boundaries established for Certified Peer Support Specialists. These are similar to those required of licensed therapists. Please see “Confidentiality” in the service agreement for additional specific information.

  • Please contact Jaraan to cancel or reschedule as soon as you know you will have to miss, but at least 24 hours in advance. This gives someone else the opportunity to fill that spot. We understand that emergencies can happen. However, we may bill for scheduled appointments that are missed without 24 hr advanced notification. Missing more than 2 appointments without 24 hr or more advanced notification is grounds for discontinuing services.

  • Email to Jaraan@JoyousAwakening.com with any questions you may have about his Spiritual Mentoring work.

About Jaraan Onai

Jaraan is a Reiki Master, Certified Peer Support Specialist, Channel, Writer, and Spiritual Growth Mentor with 35 years study and practice of a wide range of teachings for his own spiritual growth and recovery path. Additionally, he has decades of learning from the ET Ascended Masters and Angels he channels. His knowledge and intuitive abilities combined with a high degree of empathy and introspection are a valuable resource for those desiring to ease, simplify, and accelerate their spiritual transformation and awakening.

For information on Jaraan’s channeling events and sessions, CLICK HERE.