Ready to take your Awakening to the next level?

Join us for our next event!
with an Angel or ET Ascended Master channeled by Jaraan Onai
Live Zoom Event at 1:00pm PST  /  4:00pm EST  /  9:00pm GMT

In order to ensure success, savvy people often seek out mentoring from those already
accomplished in their chosen field or profession. Spiritual growth is no different.

Are you seeking personally relevant and empowering guidance, perspectives, and support to advance your awakening?

You are if you resonate with the following...

  • If the popular teachings are so absolute and iron clad, why isn’t everyone who has used them already rich and happy?

  • Since we are all unique individuals, wouldn’t teachings that speak to your specific and immediate needs be more valuable than sorting through reams of general information which may or may not even be relevant?

  • Being among kindred spirits in blissful, authentic, synergistic spiritual development and Higher Consciousness together is appealing.

If you’re eager to get advanced, in-depth, behind-the-scenes truths on awakening and achieve all the fulfillment here and hereafter that comes from living Consciously One with Source . . .

Doesn’t it make sense to learn from those who have already overcome
the trials and difficulties of polarity and ascended into Oneness?

After all, learning from those who already are where you want to be is one of the surest, fastest ways to get there! Even if there were no shortcuts (there actually are), you can still skip detours and avoid choices that prolong struggle and delay fulfillment.

Through group and individual dialogues, the ET Ascended Masters share the inside scoop of spiritual awakening. They offer comprehensive mystical teachings that delve deeply to reveal hidden wisdom and abilities that allow you to more gracefully and successfully develop and advance your awakening path.

3D Earth is a world of chaos and illusion. How things look is rarely how things are. The facades can be rather convincing. Overlooking the hidden Reality impedes spiritual progress and delays joy, peace, love, fulfillment.

The 3D approach is like taking an aspirin for a headache. The aspirin masks the pain, but doesn’t resolve the root cause. The 5D-and-Beyond approach eradicates the need for aspirin to exist.

What if you could identify and eliminate blocks once and for all?

What if you could easily see beyond apparent issues or obstacles to the real, lasting solutions?

What if you got access to all the keys to unlock the most beneficial choices for your life?

Wouldn’t that beat taking metaphorical aspirin over and over but not actually resolving anything?

Now’s your chance!

Join us for our next channeling events!


1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST / 9:00pm GMT

(The Replay recording will be available for all registrants.)

Consciously Connect with Your Higher Self, Soul, Source.

The truth is, no one can consciously connect you to your Higher Self, Soul, Source but you. However, those who’ve already achieved Oneness understand that some tools work far better than others. The ET Ascended Masters share proven techniques, perspectives, and attitudes from their own lived experience to ease, elevate, and accelerate your awakening process.

Learning these skills and applying them appropriately saves time, energy, frustration and disappointment while developing greater confidence, clarity, empowerment and deeper states of Peace, Joy, and Love.

Spirituality isn’t a hobby. It’s a way of life. Go much deeper than the 3D, one-to-one ratio. Understand deeply and personally how Consciousness really works. After all, an important trait of mastery is effectiveness. Developing real understanding and mastery skills, you can accomplish far more with much less effort.

No sense wandering around trying to figure things out when you can take clear, direct steps to develop awareness and elevate your awakening consciousness well beyond the 3D status quo mind-trap.

Establishing Conscious Oneness with Source:

✵ Eliminates loneliness

✵ Reduces anxiety

✵ Prevents mistakes

✵ Develops Inner Peace

✵ Cultivates Confidence

✵ Creates a state of consciousness
through which “miracles” naturally,
effortlessly happen

✵ And so much more…

Join us for the next Angel Channeling or Savvy Soul Discourse an
ET Ascended Master channeled by Jaraan Onai

Live Zoom Event: TBA

1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST / 9:00pm GMT

(The Replay recording will be available for all registrants.)

In the simplest terms, 3D is about learning how to play other people’s songs one after another ad infinitum. Studying 5D teachings with the ET Ascended Masters is learning how to compose your own infinitely transcendent symphonies. Both are valid. However, if you prefer the latter . . .

Check out a
Savvy Soul Mastery Discourse
Chokai, ET Ascended Master
& SomRa An’Ryka

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To get the most from your participation, it’s important to be on time. This is not only respectful of others, but demonstrates the value of this special opportunity for yourself. However, we understand that your work or other time constraints may overlap with the event start time. Just do the best you can. The moderators will let you in the meeting room as soon as possible.

  • General audience dialogues last 90 minutes to 2 hours. They start with a brief visualization meditation led by Jaraan, followed by a teaching from one of the several ET Masters he channels that may last from 10 to 30 minutes. This is followed by a Q&A where attendees can ask questions related to the teaching of the ET Master and/or their personal spiritual growth and awakening path. The ET Masters sometimes also facilitate various spiritual exercises during these events to help attendees integrate understandings and experience the Loving Presence of Source Within more fully and directly. Even if you just want to listen, being in their radiant Presence can be a profoundly uplifting experience. It’s been said that attending these groups is “Spa time for the Soul.”

    Specific-topic seminars can be 1 or 2 days, usually 4 to 8 hours each day with appropriate breaks.

  • Any sincere question is welcomed. That said, the ET Ascended Masters’ purpose is to teach people how to overcome negative beliefs, evolve beyond 3D, awaken, embrace full command of their Consciousness, and ascend fully into Oneness. This includes teaching how to develop rational, emotional, and spiritual intelligence needed to navigate situations in ways that improve your life in this world as you evolve beyond it. They want you to intimately experience your Oneness with Source and fully comprehend how Consciousness works so that you can more fully and easily awaken and ascend. After all, knowledge may be power, but Understanding is Mastery. Thus, questions will be answered for this purpose.

    Sample Personal Questions:

    It seems like everyone else is more psychic than I am. How can I improve my intuition, etc?

    I’m preparing to “push” my business in a BIG way. Have I finally moved enough self-imposed blocks to keep things flowing smoothly?

    How will I know if it’s time to leave my current relationship [or job, situation, etc.] or just keep learning through it? Some things I like about it and some things I don’t. How do I know what my Spirit is wanting me to do about it?

    I have always felt out of place — not quite sure where I should be or what I should be doing. I want to know who I am. How can I find a place of peace where I can find me? I would like to know how to look. I feel lost, and I need to be “there.”

    How do I come to a place where either I don't have mental chatter or I am not distracted by it?

    Why don’t my meditations work the way they are supposed to? Do I even have to meditate to awaken? Is there another way?

    It seems like I’m always struggling. How can I manifest a more harmonious life?

    My affirmations don’t seem to be working for me? What affirmations are best to use?

    When deep emotional pain is triggered, what is the best way to heal and clear that issue? How do I clarify just which issue it is, which core pain?

    What’s the most significant core belief that needs to change in order for me to become free of this dimension, live my mastery, and ascend? How do I affirm and demonstrate to myself a new, true belief instead of the old, false beliefs in each situation on a daily basis?

    How do I commune more deeply with my Soul/Higher Self?

    Sample Universal Questions:

    How do I know for sure that I’m on an ascension path?

    When I am searching for an answer from my own inner guidance, how can I tell the difference between messages from my Soul (Higher Self) and my ego?

    As humanity evolves, what kind of world can we expect to manifest? How will life change?

    What is it like to live in 5D Consciousness? Do people have relationships? Do we still have to work?

    Is there really any hope for the planet? Or is it pretty much a lost cause at this point? Why is there so much strife in the world?

    What really is our purpose as Lightworkers?

    What is the best way to set intentions? Or is there a best way? What is an intention anyway?!

    When you were incarnate, was it this hard for you?

    If you were incarnated right now, what would you be doing?

  • Questions may be personal or general/Universal as it pertains to your spiritual growth and awakening path. Be prepared to ask your question aloud rather than the Chat Box. Raise your hand or use the “raise your hand” feature to be called upon, or type “I have a question” in the Chat Box. Bear in mind that the ET Ascended Masters don’t just dispense information but facilitate transformation. They delight in engaging students in dialogue. Therefore, they may also ask you questions to help you access perspectives and deepen understanding. If you aren’t clear on something they share or interpret something in a negative way, please ask for clarification or elaboration. This is also part of the transformational dialogue process.

    Please also be considerate of other group members and keep your questions brief and to the point. Ask about one topic at a time. This helps us give as many participants as possible the opportunity to ask a question. Depending upon the number of attendees and questions, we may not be able to respond directly to all questions. But we’ll do our best.

  • Excellent question! The short answer is, you shouldn’t. The ET Ascended Masters themselves have often said, “Don’t listen to us. Listen to your Heart listening to us.” This is both good advice and a sound spiritual teaching in and of itself. After all, we are all responsible for our own evolution and the choices we make in order to progress. The ET Ascended Masters teach that the Heart is the gateway to the Soul. And the Soul is the storehouse of Infinite Source Wisdom. To be truly spiritually empowered, we have to learn how to directly, consciously, and consistently access our own Inner Wisdom.

    The Masters’ purpose is to facilitate your own personal conscious connection with Soul/Source. Ultimately, the wisdom they share is a reflection and reminder of that which is deep within your own Soul. Their loving encouragement, teachings, and support help bring that wisdom forward, making it apparent to you so that you can embrace and express it most effectively. They don’t need or want followers. They want others to realize and embrace the Loving Power of their own Being and walk side by side with them gracefully and joyfully up the ladder of ascension.

  • The ET Ascended Masters are a jovial lot and Jaraan does his best to allow them to be as fully present and expressive as possible. Depending on how empathic you are, you may notice the surrounding energy/atmosphere rise and expand while the ET Masters are present. You may feel a heightened sense of warmth, comfort, and well-being during their visits. While they can be serious and firm when circumstances call for it, the ET Masters are unconditionally loving and generally share in a very lighthearted, casual, and uplifting manner. You can speak with them much as you would a trusted and respected friend. For free samples of previous group dialogue, click here.

    They teach with examples, metaphors, stories of their own prior lifetimes, and joke or jovially cajole in ways that encourage lasting progress through self-honestly, self-reflection, and deeper understanding. They are known to drop profound wisdom in casual comments. This is meant to encourage attentiveness and inspire personal insight. In groups, the ET Ascended Masters will speak directly to your question but may also elaborate in ways that address others in the group with similar questions or issues. Thus, it is important to be attentive even when the ET Ascended Masters are responding to another’s question, as their response may include a teaching for you as well.

  • Those who have attended at least one LIVE event with an ET Ascended Master or Angel/Angel Collective channeled by Jaraan are eligible to schedule a personal consultation. Consultations are available by appointment. Details on how to schedule are provided at the live events.

Visit Jaraan’s audio page HERE to see a list of recordings of prior events.

About Jaraan Onai

An introverted empath with over 34 years of personal consciousness development experience, Jaraan Onai (Walk-In) is a natural teacher and facilitator, Energywork practitioner, author, and abuse recovery advocate. He has been the channel for the Ascended ET Masters since 1994. He also enjoys finding the awesome within the “ordinary.”

“I know that no matter how challenging it gets, there are treasures to be found both in the world and within our own exquisite hearts. It’s my mission to help sincere seekers, pathmakers, and Lightworkers find the quickest, easiest, most fulfilling means to manifest their Bountiful Treasures.

When you’re seeking solid solutions, you need someone who’s been through the briar patch themselves and come out the other side better for it. That’s why it’s such a privilege and honor to be the channel for my spiritual Team Mates, who soared far beyond their own tremendous challenges to become the impeccable and extraordinary Ascended ET Masters.”

The ET Ascended Masters & Angels

All of the ET Ascended Masters and Angels channeled by Jaraan have a passion for teaching in a way that is both educational and transformational. They often use the Socratic Method of asking questions to help guide students to their own realizations. In fact, many participants have realizations during their interactions that lead to immediate and long-term peace, understanding, and greater progress in their growth and evolution. While the teachings are similar in nature, being based in the same Universal Principles, each Master and Angel group have their own Presence and manner of expressing. Audio samples of each are provided below.

Clarion is an Angel Collective who’s gentle wisdom, encouragement, and compassion reminds us of who we are. They offer pathways to connect with ourselves, our Soul, and our personal guides and angels for a more progressive, empowered awakening life.

Chokai is a 13D* Ascended Master who ascended from a world in the Pleiades over 401,000 years ago. Caring and light-hearted, he shares profound, comprehensive teachings on the nature of Consciousness and simple, practice tools for spiritual awakening, evolution, and ascension. Chokai loves humor and often shares stories of time with his mentor, lessons learned, and how we may apply those same lessons to advance our evolution today.

*Various channeled collectives divide the dimensions of this Universe in various numerations. Our Collective of ET Ascended Masters use a 13-Dimensional model with 13 being the highest before transcending this Universe. Chokai has already transcended it but currently chooses to remain in 13D to assist during Earth’s and other planets’ current ascension. Chokai is widely known and respected throughout the galaxy as a highly advanced master teacher.

Azh’ra Kai is a 12D Ascended Master who ascended from the same world in the Pleiades as Chokai approximately 26,500 years ago. To advance her ascension path, Azh’ra Kai went forward in time for one Earth life as a nobleman’s daughter in what we call the dark ages. Her experiences in that life were difficult and painful, which helped her develop the deep compassion for humanity that she shares with groups today. Both her presence and her teachings are soothing, uplifting, and progressive.

Master Chan (A.K.A. Toubayachi Chansiti) is an 11D Ascended Master who was originally from Arcturus. He lived 3 lifetimes on Earth, with his most recent ascension being from Atlantis during its Golden Age 34,500 years ago. In that lifetime, he was a spiritual teacher, healer, and mentor, representing a path of Awakening offered by the Collective of ET Ascended Masters which has not been taught on Earth for 26,000 years until Jaraan & SomRa began to share these teachings. Master Chan ascended at the age of 543 during a meditation while on retreat near what is now known as Burnsville, North Carolina. He now channels through Jaraan, sharing with his loving, light-hearted manner stories of his last life and the many teachings that led to his ascension.

B’Nesh (male) and B’Nala (female) are 7D Ascended Master twin brother and sister from a different world in the Pleiades than Chokai’s and Azh’ra Kai’s. They ascended approximately 6,000 years ago. Their natural enthusiasm makes them much loved as teachers, encouraging us to embrace our true power through spiritual understanding. B’Nesh’s style is usually fast-paced while B’Nala’s is gradual, soothing, and comforting. Often while one is speaking through Jaraan the other is working with the listeners’ guides assisting with consciousness adjustments and healing.

Orrin is a 9D Ascended Master who’s ascension from the star system Sirius was one of the fastest on record. His powerful, direct, matter-of-fact teachings remind us of our own power and ability to transform and evolve.

Alarion is a 9D Ascended Master whose most recent ascension was from Arcturus. His calm, compassionate, yet matter-of-fact expression and relatable examples help listeners understand themselves and their evolution process, thus easing and progressing their paths.

Now’s your chance!

Join us for the next Angel Channeling or
Savvy Soul Mastery Discourse: Ask The Masters
with an ET Ascended Master Channeled by Jaraan Onai.


1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST / 9:00pm GMT

(The Replay recording will be available for all registrants.)