Home & Property Clearing Stories

by SomRa An’Ryka

Here are just a few of the wild Property Clearings we’ve done!

Names have been replaced to maintain confidentiality. For reference, all the Clearings described here occurred in the United States.

The Tunnel from “Hell”

Theresa and Jim’s home had multiple disruptive anomalies, especially under it. Referred to us by a colleague in 2011, they were desperate. Their 3 young children – all clairvoyant, clairaudient, and extremely sensitive and psychic – had been tormented for years by voices and apparitions, especially at night. Theresa grew up in a traditional Christian home and didn’t know what to believe or do. Nothing in her upbringing prepared her for all of this. Not even prayer seemed to help.

And then Theresa started seeing and hearing them herself. Recently dead people (injuries and all) showed up in her house almost daily. She would see their pictures in the newspaper after she’d seen them in her own home. They were asking Theresa for help and where to go. Theresa didn’t know what to tell them nor how to help them.

To say the situation was life-disruptive is an understatement. The children all had stress and sleep problems. They all consistently developed hard wax in their ears and had to have it removed periodically by the doctor – an extremely distressing and sometimes painful experience. I knew right away the wax build up was their bodies’ protective attempt to block out the voices they were constantly hearing in the house. The eldest would even play her radio all night, much to everyone’s dismay, in an effort to cover up spooky voices and sounds.

Long story short, the biggest problem with this property was it had an underground astral tunnel going right into their basement. All sorts of entities, sometimes demonic in nature, were going in and out. The local recently dead people were drawn to it, and to Theresa’s energy field (unbeknownst to her), trying to figure out where they were supposed to go. These people usually died suddenly in accidents, and so were in shock and confused. The demonic beings had their own agendas going on.

It turns out that tunnel also had a tube that went straight into the eldest/8-year-old child’s bedroom closet. Too terrified to talk about the beings she’d see and hear, she drew a picture for me.

There were multiple layers of distortions and anomalies in this home and property. As such it took a several months to fully resolve them all. But this was largely due to an unhealthy belief that both parents were carrying from their childhood programming that they had also been instilling in their own children. That is “We’re supposed to help everybody.” Though it sounded “right” on the surface, it was based on false assumptions that that’s what “good people” do and unhealthy guilt if they didn’t help anyone in need. Also, their belief had no boundaries or definitions. Their auras were constantly broadcasting far and wide “We’re here to help. We’re supposed to help.” Well then, that magnetized all kinds of people and creatures needing “help,” especially those unwilling to take responsibility for their paths and creations and were thrilled to have someone their could plop their burdens onto. Theresa and Jim originally felt “comfortable” when they bought their home because there was a common codependent resonance with the energetic dynamics in the house. They had lived there for years before the problems became evident and they called on us for assistance. Had it not been for their extremely psychically gifted children, things might have drug on much longer. But this was Theresa’s and Jim’s wake up call that they needed to question their beliefs that said they should help everyone...and delve deeper into healing their unresolved childhood issues related to those beliefs.

And so began the family’s journey of multilevel healing and self-discovery. Over a year or so, each member of the family received coaching and energywork from me and the parents received channeled sessions and spiritual teachings from the Ascended Masters and Angels channeled through Jaraan. Steadily, their home and property became fully healed as well, and the children could finally relax and enjoy life more as they grew.

It took me and my Higher Team around 3 full Home & Property Clearings over time to completely resolve the issues. It’s worth noting that, yes, Archangel Michael and I did close the underground portal and tunnel from the start. But no one can work against another’s spiritual lessons and personal freewill (whether it’s conscious or unconscious)...even and especially not an Angel. The parents’ strong belief that they were supposed to help everyone (not considering that some beings actually don’t want help but simply want to drain energy from others), kept causing the tunnel’s portal to reopen. As such, the deeper personal growth work was necessary for full home resolution...just as their Higher Selves had intended.

As Theresa and Jim continued learning and working on themselves, eventually remodeling projects on the home that could never get finished finally did. For the first time, they were able to make their home their own. Theresa and Jim worked on their relationship too and they healed much of their childhood traumas and unresolved issues. They learned how to set healthier boundaries with each other and everyone else. They learned how to discern before volunteering to help others and say “No” when something asked of them was not best for their well-being. They discovered that that didn’t change who they naturally were – kind and caring people, respecting other people’s paths, choices, and self-responsibilities.

During that healing time period, Theresa also developed and honed her awakened intuitive gifts through self-studies along with my energywork courses, apprentice training, and spiritual teachings. She eventually became a healer in her own right. Today, Theresa and Jim are working in their dream jobs. And as of this writing, the children are healthy, happy high school and college students.

Mysterious Chaos & The Stolen Sacred Object

Gina, her husband Joe, and their many rescue cats and dogs had a home on 15 acres in the country. They loved the land, but for several years the house felt progressively uncomfortable, “a little on edge,” and chaotic. Strange things were happening. In the initial questionnaire she wrote:

“The house was struck by lightning twice, tree fell on house collapsing the sun room. Have had 2 portals closed by a property clearer. Our animals frequently in the past had spirits attached to them which had to be cleared; this has not been noticed in the past 2 years. The first time I had the house cleared, I was told that prior Native Americans were concerned I had moved something and I needed to put it back. Got no information as to what that was. The cats have experienced fear, hiding in closets, refusing to go in rooms. They told an animal communicator that there are ‘creatures’ under the floor and they are afraid the creatures will come into the house and get them. They also say they can see these creatures at the windows at night. Had this cleared about 2 years ago. Cats say it is much improved but there is lots more to do. Dogs claim there is a Native American squaw in the back yard sent to protect them.”

Whew! A stressful situation for them all, for sure. Further in the questionnaire she stated: “The energy is much better than it has been in the past. However, I do not take good care of the house. I have no interest in decorating, find myself letting clutter build up – which I have never done before. And I can’t get anything done in general. I would prefer to be outside.”

She also said that there was a known Native American burial ground down the road. And, whenever more excavation is done there, more energy disruption happens at her house. The house had had 3 clearings done by another professional. Her animal communicator was also routinely trying to clear the property. They had noticed positive results each time. But there was still something not resolved that no one had been able to find or figure out.

Additionally, Gina said stray dogs and cats just show up at their house. She and Joe automatically take them in – “anything in need,” she said. At the time she contacted me, they had 8 cats and 4 dogs. Also notable, Gina worked in a mental health facility and said “I have trouble keeping my energy unaffected.” She often felt low energy, and she and Joe both had health problems.

Now the picture was becoming clearer! After reading Theresa’s story, you can probably guess some of it too. But this one has an interesting twist.

This project had crossed my path when I was still doing Property Clearings alone with my Higher Team, before direct collaboration with the ET Ascended Master Cou’don Ba’ channeled through Jaraan. It initially took 2 sessions one week apart to get into and affect the deeper layers of cause. After the first level of clearing I commonly do with Archangel Michael, I soon discovered a massive etheric sink hole under their house. The story of what caused it unfolded in my vision.

Around 400 years prior (before white men came), there were conflicting tribes in the region spanning a few miles around Gina’s home. And it was true that an important object had been moved. It was a round ceremonial stone and a focal point for specific energies for one of the tribes. It’s original location was – you guessed it – right where Gina’s house sat.

It was not a coincidence that Gina and Joe ended up on this property. The Native American leader of the tribe – who was still very much around – was holding onto resentment about the “injustices” of the past (from the other tribe, the moved stone, and later from the white men taking over the land). Gina and Joe carried similar unresolved emotions and judgments from their pasts – some conscious, some not. As with all occurrences in the universe, they were drawn to this place through a common resonance. And, through the reflections of the house situation, both Gina’s and Joe’s Souls were directing them to understand and heal those past issues.

Gina’s and Joe’s resentment toward “injustice” was part of what drove their compulsion to rescue and take in animals. They were projecting their own emotions and judgments now onto any animal that appeared to be in need. As with many human children, Gina’s and Joe’s past injustices involved their personal boundaries being ignored and violated many times. It happened such that the didn’t understand healthy boundaries – what they are, how to establish them, and how to validate themselves and their own boundaries with others.

Healthy boundaries have to do with what each of us will and will not allow into our lives. A person with strong healthy boundaries includes their own well-being and needs – circumstantial, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – in all choices and actions, including and especially when others are involved. Healthy boundaries have to do with self-respect, self-honoring, and self-care, never denying these.

I explained to Gina in the follow-up that the clearer her boundaries are, the more energy she’ll have, the less scattered she’ll feel, and the less likely she’ll manifest health problems. Her compulsion to always help takes her past her own energy levels and needs because that compulsion is driven by the anger, resentment, and old pain. And those old emotional energies were draining her as well.

Gina had stated in the original questionnaire that she preferred to do her personal growth work alone. So in respect of that, I did not offer an EFT/coaching session – my primary work at the time – which effectively clears just about any issue when done a certain way. So instead, Higher Guidance instructed me to convey to her these suggestions: “Notice any time you’re judging something to be an injustice and be willing to consider there is a Higher Purpose and Plan at work even if you can’t see and understand it. Notice any anger and pain and give it over to your Higher Power...repeatedly until burdens of the past feel lifted. Remember Love – let your Higher Power’s Love into your body and into your past. Ask that Love to help heal your heart.”

Before I finished that second stage of clearing the house, I telepathically taught the cats how to dispel unwanted energy out their spines (tails). I then taught the dogs how to release as well. For canine consciousness, “flushing” unwanted energies through and out their tails and limbs often works best. Most animals naturally know how to do these things. But when animals become domesticated, like humans they lose touch with a lot of their natural self-care and health-maintenance instincts. As I completed helping Gina’s animal companions, their auras shined brightly and they expressed much gratitude, including for the overall property clearing. :)

There was one last important step before this stage of clearing could complete. My Team and I suggested Gina choose a round stone from the property – whatever she felt guided to for this purpose – and ceremonially placing it onto the center of the basement floor. With intention, this would act as a seal – a gesture of goodwill, honor, and respect. It would be a karmic completion. I knew and told her that by doing this honor, it also reopened that channel to the stars and to the wisdom and healing from her Guides. This was a part of the purpose of the original stone that had been there for the prior Natives.

During the ceremonial stone placement, she was to speak these words with heart to the original tribe: “I honor those who came before me. I honor your ancestors. By placing this stone here, I return to you what you feel was taken from you. May we all be blessed and healed now.”

A few days later, Gina told me in her follow-up that she did this and actually created a little altar there. She described the beautiful feelings, messages, and energies exchanged in the ceremony. We both felt it was profound and meaningful and that the tribe appreciated her gesture.

I knew the sink hole issue would not likely be completely resolved until Gina and Joe did the deeper personal growth and healing work suggested. But the shifts made in the 2 clearings my Team and I did and during the subsequent ceremonial stone placement were notable. Gina reported that all human and animal residents felt calmer and a lot better.

The story continues to…The Magnetic Pit

The Magnetic Pit

Five months later, Gina contacted me again. The animals were acting strangely, including the dogs having shaky legs. I knew their family, home, and property had evolved to where they were now ready for the next level of clearing.

My Team and I with Archangel Michael could now come on “fast and furious,” getting deeper into the issues of this home and property. Here are some of the highlights. We thoroughly purged the massive sink hole / pit under the house. The effects poured out into a 7 mile radius, then 10, then the entire region! We cleared the Native burial ground of stuck entities, helping them heal their unresolved pain, and escorting them into The Light. We filled the house’s sink hole with Divine Love, positive wishes for all, and so forth in accordance with the Soul path of each inhabitant (human and animal). All were given the opportunity to choose to release as much of the their past pains and judgments as they wished. A significant cleansing occurred for each inhabitant. Everyone’s individual vibration rose, including the house’s.

Next, a new geopathic stress under the house became evident. It had a strong magnetic force coming from deep within the Earth. The force was part of the original cause of the sink hole. We were able to move this force to the edge of the property. After that, it no longer had any influence on the home nor its inhabitants. Hooray!

Now that these things were shifted and Gina and Joe had been doing their inner work, we were able to construct a strong energetic boundary around the property. Many Angels showed up and took long-term posts to maintain a high-vibe state such that lower energies/entities would not enter. The property was quite aglow!

Peace was now the new predominant vibe, and we encouraged Gina to practice getting comfortable with Peace. When a person is used to a certain state such as chaos for so long, when the vibratory environment dramatically changes it can feel weird, to say the least. “Peace” can actually feel unsettling if one is not used to it. So it’s very important when such healthy changes occur to practice relaxing and getting comfortable in the new vibe. If the person doesn’t, they can end up attracting new chaotic, drama energies because these are familiar and therefore feel “comfortable.”

After Gina came home from work the day we did that clearing, she emailed me:

“Thank you, SomRa. I could definitely feel the difference. When I got home, the first thing I noticed was there were absolutely no sounds. I could hear things in the distance, but on the property, no birds chirping, squirrels chattering, insects buzzing, etc. All of them were there, but they made no peep.

Then all of a sudden raccoons came walking out of the woods. They wandered around in the back yard. Then turned around and went back into the woods. I have never seen raccoons out and about during daylight before. And again, no noise from my dogs!!!

I really appreciate all of your help. Take care, and thanks again.”

So now the rest was up to Gina’s and Joe’s ongoing personal development and healing of their own personal boundary issues. Peace, Joy, and Love were the new themes and attitudes to practice. They were encouraged to change physical things such as decor in their home to what represents, expresses, and facilitates feelings of Pure Joy and Love for them. And most importantly, they were encouraged to aim to feel Love and Joy in their home and for their home – their sacred living space.

And the story continues with…The Tumbleweed of Anguish

The Tumbleweed of Anguish

All remained relatively calm and progressed peacefully in Gina’s home for 3 years. Then she contacted me again for help:

“This year, I have had 3 of my cats transition very suddenly and another cat became critically ill. He recovered, fortunately. Someone else tried to clear the house a couple of months ago and had a great deal of difficulty doing it. I think issues still exist, and I find myself exhausted and freezing cold all the while I’m in the house. Not to mention all the issues and heavy sadness from the loss of so many of our family.”

She mentioned some of the past issues my Team and I resolved in the prior sessions and then continued: “You cleared all of that beautifully, and until recently I have not had reason to believe anything else was wrong. I don’t have any reason to believe the portals have opened again, but the cats who responded to these in the past are the ones who transitioned this year. I guess the best way to describe this is to say I have no idea what’s going on!”

By this time, the Ascended Master Cou’don Ba’ (channeled through Jaraan) and I were more frequently working collaboratively on Property Clearings. Cou’don Ba’ had actually always been a part of my Higher Team. Now speaking through Jaraan, we are able to dialog directly with each other and articulate things more clearly to our clients.

Now we delved deeper into this next mysterious level of clearing and healing on Gina and Joe’s property.

A new anomaly had showed up. Cou’don Ba’ explained that a “collection of anguish” (from various people throughout the region) had rolled across the land like a tumble weed and got stuck under the house. It stopped there because of the vibratory resonance with compassionate people (Gina and Joe). Cou’don Ba’ explained that compassionate people tend to draw to them things to be compassionate about. But Gina’s and Joe’s compassion was still about of balance. Similar to “sympathy” (unhealthy) vs. “empathy” (healthy). As I had suspected, there was still a need for more choice and development of personal boundaries. In this case, that is deciding what to be compassionate about, and where and when.

In other words, Gina’s and Joe’s compassion was still too broad. There was a crucial need to be mindful of their own needs. They still needed to direct empathy towards themselves, not so much everywhere else. They each needed to choose to recognize and accept “I can’t save everyone” and discern and determine for their own well-beings “Here’s where I’ll be compassionate, and here’s where not.”

This issue had become critical. They now had more motivation to question their patterns and assumptions, for there was a direct correlation with them and the cats’ deaths. The cats couldn’t take the stress of the “tumble weed of anguish” anymore. They couldn’t relax. Unlike most humans, animals are not attached to living in physical form, nor to their identity in a particular life. So they will move on if an unbearable situation doesn’t change.

While humans are compassionate by nature, when it’s out of balance there is a deeper issue driving it. In this case, Gina in particular was carrying a deep, unconscious need to be this way because she didn’t feel OK with herself if she wasn’t compassionate...with everything and everyone. Cou’don Ba’ continued to explain it came from 3 lifetimes ago when the person Gina was believed she had let someone down. She was still carrying guilt from that. In the life, she did not understand (nor have compassion for herself) that the situation was no fault of her own. She was in a position where she had 2 duties but could not do both. She had to make a difficult choice. She chose the first duty. A friend subsequently experienced adverse consequences.

In order to resolve this now in her current life, Gina needed to know that the situation in that past life could not have been prevented and that it was actually her friend’s unresolved karma that caused the adverse experiences. Even though her friend blamed her, Cou’don Ba’ told Gina in our follow-up report that she had actually made the right choice. And it was time to no longer exclude herself from her own compassion.

To facilitate this in the Property Clearing, we saturated the tumble weed of anguish with the appropriate frequencies which dissipated it. We addressed a few other new anomalies as well, included a needy ancestor of another of Gina’s lifetimes. She was an emotional supporter back then – also denying her own needs in that life – and the ancestor sought her out to lean on her again. This was not appropriate nor healthy for either of them. And he was the cause of the “freezing” feelings Gina had described. Some Angels came in and escorted him off the property while the rest of us did our parts of the clearing.

The property was now resonating at a much higher vibratory level, more supportive of everyone’s joy, well-being, and awakening. The whole region dramatically improved as well.

If this story speaks to you and you know you have similar issues, here are a few key steps and practices for resolution:

1. Get clear about what is and is not your role in life and in any situation you face. As I often say, just because you physically can do something that doesn’t mean you should do it, nor that you’re even meant to. And, it doesn’t mean that you emotionally can do it and stay in balanced well-being.

2. Only and always make choices that are in alignment with your clarity about what is and is not your role/job.

3. Recognize and honor other’s self-responsibilities, power, and creatorship of what manifests in their lives – even if they don’t, and even if you or they don’t yet understand the how or the why of a manifest experience.

4. Understand that YOU matter. It’s not a dismissal of another and it doesn’t make you a bad person to say “No” when something truly isn’t right for you. When you ignore your own needs and well-being, you violate yourself, and that does not serve anyone nor the planet.

5. To be happy and healthy in this world, you must maintain your own boundaries. You’re not here to just “be of service.”

6. Respect others’ dignity to learn what they’re meant to learn through their choices and manifest experiences. Contribute if it feels true for you to do so and does not take away from your well-being. Check in with your Spirit first and sense as best you can what is yours to do and what is not. It is important not to delay another’s evolution by trying to take away their problems so that you and/or they feel more comfortable. Discomfort is sometimes a necessary teacher and motivator.

If you sincerely ponder this, your Spirit will carry you to the realizations and shifts you need to live in Balanced Compassion. :)