Money, Manifesting, and Oneness Part 3 of 3

Jaraan: In this post, Master Chan shares key insights into the nature of our consciousness and reality and directly addresses negative perspectives/beliefs which can prevent our ability to fully tap into our Infinite Potential.

Master Chan: Love. If I love you, I might either give you these pieces of paper [money] or I may exchange them for something I know that is special to you and give it to you. Am I love? Well, the more Love that I am, (not loved), the more this naturally goes along. But the more conscious I am of the Love that I am, the more I know this (money) isn’t love. It’s just a form.

Now, where many people get stuck, is that they keep it separate. That’s that and this is me. And yet [your Soul knows], “this (money) is a manifestation of me.” It’s an expression of my Beingness. It is not something I have. It represents something I am. And that’s the key. This (chair) also represents something that I am with far less emotional attachment or entanglement. And this would apply to anything else that’s a part of your circumstantial reality right now. It’s a manifestation of something you are.

Anything that appears to be missing from your circumstantial reality,
anything that is not there that you would like to be there
represents an aspect of your consciousness not yet fully embraced.

Not fully owned as “me.” And that’s whether we’re talking about dollars or anything else. And “if I don’t see it as me or can’t accept is as me, then what’s up with that? Why do I maintain that distance?” Well, in this culture, and not just this culture, but you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Money is the root of all evil.” So “how can I want money and not associate that with being the root of all evil? Because I don’t want to be thought of as bad.” I mean, they even say, “filthy rich.” “I want to be rich, but I don’t want to be filthy, I don’t want to be thought of as filthy, I don’t want to feel like I’m filthy.” “Cold, hard cash.” Well, I don’t want to be cold. I don’t want to be hard. Why can’t cash be warm and soft?!

So, all those associations factor in. So, it’s no longer about the money at that point. It’s about all those emotional associations that people have toward what is essentially a meaningless piece of paper used to represent [something]. “If I am going to experience anything, if I’m going to have anything, it’s important for me to have some personal reference point. Make it mine. So, whatever is missing, how do I make it mine? How do I identify it with something that is truly me, that I recognize as me?”

Originally from Arcturus, Master Chan ascended from Atlantis approximately 34,500 years ago. Kind, witty, and enthusiastic, he often shares experiences from his childhood and formal spiritual training that advanced his awakening into ascension and also empowers Lightworkers today.

For more of Master Chan’s teachings, visit or see him on YouTube.

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Money, Manifesting, and Attitude Part 2 of 3


Money, Manifesting, & Lack Consciousness Part 1 of 3